February 10, 2010

Creamy Mushroom Pork Chops

This last summer we went to the fair to buy a pig that a friend of ours had raised for 4H. We (my dad) ended up walking out with 3 pigs and 3 cows! So one of my goals is to try to use a lot of that meat. It tastes a lot better than meat you can get in a grocery store, so if you ever have the opportunity to buy meat like this it is a great idea!

Because we had gotten too much meat out for a meal last week, I decided to make another dish to use it before it went bad. It's actually similar to the previous dish, but they both have some individual qualities. I've posted both posts today, so try them both and see which you like best!

This one is the original recipe I had. I got it off of a cream of mushroom can quite some time ago but it has since gone missing. Because we liked the dish so much, I continue to make it but kind of guessed what was in it, haha.

4 pork chops
minced garlic
1/4 cup milk
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 can sliced mushrooms (drained)
  • Pour enough oil in to a skillet to lightly coat the bottom. Add desired amount of garlic (usually about 1 tsp - 1 tbsp is enough).
  • Brown pork chops in oil, remove from heat.
  • In the mean time, mix together cream of mushroom soup, can of mushrooms, and milk. Pour in to skillet and heat until simmering.
  • Add pork chops back to skillet, cover, and cook for about 15 minutes (or until no pink remains).
Now, for a couple tips for this dish:
  • If you don't like mushrooms, don't fret! Just don't put in the canned mushrooms. Michael doesn't like mushrooms either, but the soup doesn't bother him. Or, if you put the mushrooms in, it's really easy to just pick them off.
  • I like to use one of those free standing skillets that you plug in. The high sides are really good for this type of dish. If you don't have one, they are a great investment... they're wonderful for pancakes, bacon, hash browns, stroganoff (which is another recipe I'll be putting up here eventually), etc.
  • If you use garlic that is already minced rather than fresh garlic, make sure you drain out the juices before hand or it makes it too strong! Yes, I've made this mistake before, haha. Another option, if you want to fore go putting in garlic yourself is to buy cans of garlic cream of mushroom soup.
  • If you feel 4 chops aren't enough for the amount of people you're serving, you can add a couple more without needing to increase the rest of the ingredients.


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